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6 years of partnership with
the biggest mobile operator in Lithuania
Tele2 is one of Europe’s fastest growing telecom operators. During our 6 years partnership we've done more than 30 projects for them - from website design to Facebook apps, from game developing to augmented reality posters. We love the fact, that Tele2 remains our client.
Working with Indigo kids is perfect,
because their team is not big, everyone is responsible and good at creativity as much as at optimal technical realization of projects.
Enrika Pačėsaitė,
Tele2 product manager
First project
It was August 10, 2008, when our partnership with Tele2 started.
Tele2 was releasing virtual currency for their prepaid card - Pildyk, and they wanted to launch a new advertising campaign in the biggest social network in Lithuania - one.lt. Forticom - operator of this social network and, to that date, our biggest client hired us to create something engaging for Tele2.
Main goal of our work was to introduce Bonai to people, show how easy is to get them. The work had 2 stages:
First stage - small quiz with questions about Bonai with no reference to Pildyk
Second stage - we've made a little Pildyk world with 3 flash games.
For viral competitive effect we've added a daily top player leaderboard with 3 places to get Bonai. The main idea for games was collecting Bonai with 3 actors from Pildyk adverts. The main message when the game was finished "You don't have to try so hard to get Bonai, just replenish your Pildyk account"
This huge job was done in one month and IK was team of two: Valdas & Zbignev.
Work was shortlisted in Lithuanian Ad festival Adrenalinas and Latvian Golden Hammer as one of the best digital advertising campaigns, it was also mentioned in NewWebPick and Revision.
Website for Pildyk
2 months has passed after we did our first work for Tele2 and they invited us to participate in the Request for proposal process along with 5 other agencies with much larger footprints. Tele2 was launching a new website for Pildyk. Through continued attention to Tele2 objectives and a focus on the task at hand we employed our strategic, creative and technological knowhow to tell a meaningful story of how we would change the face and user experience of pildyk.lt. We presented our findings and recommendations to a board. The next evening, we received the good news!
We created unique corporative website – a platform for PILDYK promo campaigns and pages, self service system.
It turned out to have 72 templates and 150 illustrations – the most visualy rich version of the website.
We worked not only on graphics and website architecture, but on a hell of a lot of programming as well. Mobile version of the website was also neatly done by us.
We paid the most attention to usability while creating a new look of our website. Our goal was to provide our users with easily accessible information and services, and that’s why our new website stands out with its great functionality and intuitive browsing
Enrika Pačėsaitė,
Tele2 product manager
The website turned out not only functional, but visually OK, too – it was presented by the Smashing magazine as one of the nice-design examples in Lithuania. And received the NewWebPick award.
Pildyk ver. 2011
In 2012 Pildyk has changed it's visual identity. We've worked closely with Adell Taivas Ogilvy to establish new identity online. The new webpage became more coreful and playful. After months of design cycles and successful client meetings, we've delivered final designs for every page, every component and every interactive element.
Worth mentioning
During 2008 - 2012 we've created more than 30 projects for Tele2: facebook apps, augmented reality games, interactive games, promo websites and much more.
All of them were huge hits that received a lot of positive reviews and customer love.
Night race
An interactive orienteering game for curious
Client goal was to create a lasting platform to communicate closer with Lithuanian students. Together with partners we created PILDYK NAKTYNĖS a.k.a NIGHT RACE – an interactive orienteering game for curious, smart and brave Lithuanian students who like to put their energy in solving mysterious codes and puzzles.
For this interactive real world game we've created sophisticated platform, that was able to send SMS, MMS, cover up all hustle behind rankings, statistics, rates, virtual games and etc.
We created both the website for the game, and the whole game system.
Stats for first two games:
4 cities, 9 games, 330 teams, 2410 players, 1400 kilometers, 80 sleepless hours
www.naktynes.lt was visited:
total: 132 800, unique: 71 300, page views: 1 078 300, avg. time on site: 7:12 min
Dragon hunt
Website and interactive poster for initiated
by Tele2 programme "Family time"
Dragon hunt is an outdoor game-walking route for families, initiated by Tele2 programme “Family time”. In Palanga resort 8 interactive dragons statues settled their island; each of them could be tracked down with the help of SMS clues.
We created playful website and a poster with augmented reality code. Users took photos with a poster in the background, sent a MMS and got a funny dragon back instead of the code on the poster. Great, huh?
Free internet
Info cabins for Tele2 with free internet connection
Tele2 wanted to give an opportunity to Palanga resort visitors to check out their newly launched mobile internet, and we materialized their wish.
We made info-cabins with integrated laptops, then screensavers, login windows, promo site, time managing system, desktops – everything that could attract lazy vacationers. And it worked.
What we have learned
1. If it has a screen we will design for it
Working with Tele2 means pushing boundaries of your possibilities. Just name one thing and there will be a big chance that we’ve done that for Tele2: Facebook apps? Mobile apps? MMS /SMS sending system? Game engine? Website? Portal? Self care system? Yes we did that and much more.
Being multi-skilled is state of mind. During our partnership we became “full stack” IT professionals with multidisciplinary skill set of knowledge & experience.
2. Being small has it’s advantages
Big agencies tend to be too bulky and slow. This was one of the reason why we have won more than 30 pitches for Tele2 projects. Our main advantage – we are still small studio, where everyone works directly with client. No account people who create a layer between the client and the people doing their work. No promises that couldn‘t be delivered.
3. Consistency
If you do great work - you will get great work. Clients hire you because they know you can deliver what they are looking for and to a certain quality. Once the relationship is established, and the client loved your work on the first project, you can bet on receiving more work in the future (most of the time). When the new projects come in, you have to maintain consistency in all aspects of your business; from estimating, billing, doing the creative work, and how you communicate with your client.